From Insertion to Extraction Advanced Milsim CQB Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (Modern MILSIM)
2-12-2020, 02:08
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From Insertion to Extraction: Advanced Milsim CQB Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (Modern MILSIM) by Craig White
English | October 5, 2019 | ISBN: 1076776914 | 384 pages | PDF | 18 Mb
Military Simulation (MILSIM) operations are not your run of the mill airsoft event. This is especially true for MILSIM events held at Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) sites. By their very nature, MILSIM events at MOUT sites are intended to simulate the chaos and confusion that comes with clearing buildings and other structures. Such operations require the effective use of Close Quarters Battle (CQB) Tactics, Techniques and Procedures to clear hallways, rooms and stairways in a series of close and personal engagements at extremely close range. This training manual follows on and adds to the lessons taught in "From Alpha to Omega, A MILSIM Tactical Primer and Training Manual". The focus in this training manual is advanced Close Quarters Battle (CQB) Tactics, Techniques and Procedures. As such, it is intended to assist airsoft players, teams and other small tactical elements to effectively engage and eliminate their opponents while ultimately achieving victory in close quarters environments. This training manual begins by teaching airsoft players the "anatomy" of rooms including the description of features in the target room and the location of the entry point (i.e. the door). It also describes and defines hallways based on their intersections with other hallways and entry points to adjoining rooms. Other topics include CQB decision making, stacking formations, dynamic room clearing, deliberate entry room clearing, limited penetration room clearing, room clearing techniques common to all room entry techniques, communications, room breaching, read/no read entry methods and post room clearing procedures. In addition, this manual proceeds to address in detail each individual team member's movements and responsibilities while utilizing dynamic, deliberate and limited penetration room clearing techniques. It is also intended to teach teams and other small tactical elements how to move effectively through hallways, how to clear hallway intersections, how to stack and clear a room directly from another room, how to clear both straight and commercial stairways and how to use two or more entry teams to clear successive rooms. It also explains he importance of communications, security and the establishment of standard operating procedures for the three dimensional environment that is CQB. This CQB tactical primer and training manual is designed to provide the tools to small teams and elements necessary to embrace the up close and personal chaos that is CQB, to effectively eliminate the "enemy" as they encounter them and to ultimately achieve victory.More importantly, this tactical primer and training manual is intended to provide a framework for airsoft teams and tactical elements to modify the CQB tactics, techniques and procedures contained herein to better fit their play style and to make them more effective. On the MILSIM battlefield, you must be more effective, more efficient and more flexible than your enemy to prevail. It is a game of wits where the best tactics win.

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