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Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 22nd Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2018, Melbour...
- 2-11-2020, 19:32

Advances in Dental Implantology using Nanomaterials and Allied Technology Applications
- 2-11-2020, 19:32

Advancements in Distributed Computing and Internet Technologies Trends and Issues
- 2-11-2020, 19:32

Advancement of Shock Capturing Computational Fluid Dynamics Methods Numerical Flux Functions in F...
- 2-11-2020, 19:32

Advanced Analysis of Variance (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
- 2-11-2020, 19:32

Adult Development and Aging, 5 edition
- 2-11-2020, 19:32

Adult Congenital Heart Disease in Clinical Practice
- 2-11-2020, 19:32

Adaptive Resonance Theory in Social Media Data Clustering Roles, Methodologies, and Applications
- 2-11-2020, 19:32

Action, Detection and Shane Black Antiessentialist Genre Theory and Its Application
- 2-11-2020, 19:32

Accessible Vacations An Insider's Guide to 12 US Cities
- 2-11-2020, 19:32