TinyHouse A Fullstack React Masterclass with TypeScript and GraphQL
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TinyHouse: A Fullstack React Masterclass with TypeScript and GraphQL
WEBRip | English | MP4 | 1920 x 1080 | AVC ~166 kbps | 30 fps
AAC | 128 Kbps | 44.1 KHz | 2 channels | ~26 hours | 4.34 GB
Genre: eLearning Video / Development, Programming
Learn advanced React, Node, TypeScript, and GraphQL by building a production-ready application in this 8-week, self-paced, online course.Learn advanced React, Node, TypeScript, and GraphQL by building a production-ready application in this 8-week, self-paced, online course.

Learn advanced React, Node, TypeScript, and GraphQL by building a production-ready application in this 8-week, self-paced, online course.
Module 0 TinyHouse Welcome Introduction to the TinyHouse Masterclass. INTRODUCTION 2:39 minutes Syllabus Syllabus and course overview. INTRODUCTION 28:36 minutes How To Go Through The Course The structure of the course, the material available, and how best to go through the course. INTRODUCTION 10:46 minutes Environment Setup Quick walkthrough of the development environment and tools used in the course. INTRODUCTION 2:53 minutes Part One Welcome Welcome to Part I of the course. INTRODUCTION 3:08 minutes Module 1 Module 1 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 1.0. INTRODUCTION 1:03 minutes What is Node? Node is a jаvascript runtime environment that was first introduced in 2009 by Ryan Dahl, as a response to how slow web servers were at the time. In this lesson, we'll introduce Node and talk about the capability Node provides to make I/O tasks asynchronous and non-blocking. LESSON 5:05 minutes Running jаvascript with Node In this lesson, we'll use Node to run a simple jаvascript file on the server. LESSON 2:58 minutes Creating a minimal Node:Express Server Web servers provide functionality for requests that can be made from client applications. Node has a built-in HTTP module to allow for building a server that facilitates the transfer of data in HTTP. With this lesson, we'll look to use the popular Express framework as the replacement of the core HTTP module to create a minimal Node server, with Express routing. LESSON 8:07 minutes Automatic Reloading Using Nodemon Nodemon is an open-source utility tool that helps automatically restart a Node server whenever a change in code is detected in development. In this lesson, we'll install Nodemon and introduce an application script that will start the Node server with Nodemon. LESSON 3:49 minutes Introducing TypeScript jаvascript is considered a weakly typed language. In this lesson, we'll go through a simple example of why that can be an issue in development and where TypeScript falls in the picture. LESSON 5:37 minutes Adding TypeScript to our Server We'll get started with TypeScript in this lesson by installing a few necessary packages in our server and setting up the configuration of our TypeScript compiler. LESSON 16:10 minutes Compiling our TypeScript project TypeScript is a development tool geared towards making building jаvascript applications more robust. In an application's deployed state (browser or server), TypeScript must be compiled to valid jаvascript. In this lesson, we'll see how the TypeScript compiler provides us with a command to compile and produce jаvascript code from TypeScript. LESSON 3:05 minutes Linting with ESLint Though VSCode includes TypeScript language support which helps us pick up TypeScript errors in our TypeScript code, we'll introduce more robust code checking with ESLint - a popular open-source jаvascript/TypeScript linting tool. LESSON 13:17 minutes Introducing mock listings To help us get started, we'll begin by introducing a mock data array of rental listings in this lesson. This will help us get started before we begin to address more appropriate data persistence. LESSON 7:03 minutes Creating GET and POST Express routes In this lesson, we'll use the routing capabilities Express gives us to create GET and POST routes that interact with the mock data array we've established. LESSON 10:45 minutes Module 1 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work we've done in Module 1.0. LESSON 4:03 minutes Module 2 Module 2 Introduction Introduction to Module 2.0. INTRODUCTION 0:42 minutes What is GraphQL? GraphQL is a query language for APIs. In this lesson, we go through an initial discussion on GraphQL and how GraphQL differs from traditional REST APIs. LESSON 5:40 minutes Comparing Github's REST and GraphQL APIs Before we continue discussing some of the core concepts in GraphQL, we'll take a bit of a tangent in this lesson to contrast and compare Github's existing REST API (v3) and their GraphQL API (v4). LESSON 9:47 minutes GraphQL Concepts In this lesson, we introduce and discuss some of GraphQL's main concepts such as the GraphQL schema, object types and resolver functions. LESSON 11:22 minutes Module 3 Module 3 Introduction Introduction to Module 3.0. INTRODUCTION 1:00 minutes Installing Apollo Server and GraphQL In this lesson, we'll install the Express variation of the popular Apollo Server library and the GraphQL jаvascript library. LESSON 2:05 minutes Creating a GraphQL Schema with the GraphQL JS Library In this lesson, we'll use the Apollo Server and GraphQL jаvascript libraries to create a minimal GraphQL API that we'll be able to interact within an IDE known as GraphQL Playground. LESSON 9:28 minutes Querying and mutating listings data with GraphQL In this lesson, we'll look to mimic the listings retrieval and manipulation we had in our Express RESTful API but with GraphQL instead. LESSON 11:33 minutes Using the GraphQL Schema Language The GraphQL schema language is a human-readable syntax to help create GraphQL schemas. In this lesson, we'll use the GraphQL schema language to re-create the schema we have in a more readable and simpler format. LESSON 10:51 minutes Module 3 Summary This lesson is a summary of the final state of the work done in Module 3.0. LESSON 2:06 minutes Module 4 Module 4 Introduction Introduction to Module 4.0. INTRODUCTION 0:54 minutes Introduction to MongoDB This brief lesson highlights some of the differences between relational and non-relational databases, and introduces MongoDB. LESSON 3:44 minutes Setting up a new MongoDB Cluster with Atlas MongoDB Atlas is a fully managed cloud database service built and maintained by the same team behind MongoDB. In this lesson, we'll create our first MongoDB cluster with MongoDB Atlas. LESSON 6:51 minutes Connecting the server with MongoDB Many different libraries and tools exist to help facilitate the connection between a Node Server and a MongoDB instance. In this lesson, we'll introduce and use the Node MongoDB driver to make our server connect with the MongoDB cluster we've created in Atlas. LESSON 11:18 minutes TypeScript Generics and adding types to our Collections Though we've been able to make our database connection from the server, we haven't appropriately specified the type of data that can be returned from our database collections. In this lesson, we introduce and take advantage of generics to define the type of data that can be returned from our listings collection. LESSON 12:33 minutes Setting Up Env Variables Defining and using environment-specific configuration variables within code files is less than ideal due to security reasons as well as the coupling of environment-specific configuration and application code. In this lesson, we'll avoid declaring our MongoDB environment variables directly in our database connection file and instead use the popular dotenv package to load environment variables from a .env file. LESSON 8:01 minutes Seeding mock data to the database Having our database contain some mock data will allow our GraphQL queries and mutations to interact with data from the database. In this lesson, we'll create a simple seed script that will make it easy for us to populate the database with mock data in development. LESSON 8:40 minutes Processing Data from MongoDB In this lesson, we'll look to have our GraphQL API resolvers interact and manipulate data in our Mongo database. This will help ensure persistence of data and data changes between server restarts. LESSON 14:33 minutes Modularizing Resolvers In this lesson, we'll see how we can use the lodash merge function to have our GraphQL resolvers map be broken down to small resolvers objects that pertain to certain domains (i.e modules). LESSON 7:17 minutes Module 4 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work done in Module 4.0. LESSON 2:14 minutes Module 5 Module 5 Introduction Introduction to Module 5.0. INTRODUCTION 0:46 minutes React This lesson provides a quick revision on some of the main topics behind developing UI applications with React. LESSON 6:58 minutes Create React App A lot of things need to be considered to create the scaffold of a modern React application, like allowing for a modular-based app, compiling ESNext code, transpiling TypeScript code, etc. To avoid spending too much time with build tools, we'll create a modern React/TypeScript application with a single command - create-react-app. LESSON 4:21 minutes Create React App - The Rundown create-react-app creates a series of files and folders as it instantiates and creates a Webpack bundled React application. In this lesson, we'll spend some time addressing and highlighting each of the files and folders scaffolded by create-react-app. LESSON 15:57 minutes Module 6 Module 6 Introduction Introduction to Module 6.0. INTRODUCTION 0:45 minutes The Listings Component In this lesson, we'll create our first React Function component. LESSON 3:46 minutes Props & TypeScript In this lesson, we'll introduce and type define Props to our recently created Listings function component. LESSON 3:26 minutes Functional Components & TypeScript In this lesson, we'll investigate the FunctionComponent interface type React provides and address the type checking capabilities it provides when assigned to functional components. LESSON 6:47 minutes Querying Listings Numerous tools and libraries exist to help clients make GraphQL requests to a GraphQL API. Before we begin to introduce a third-party library to help make our GraphQL requests, we'll look to make our requests with the help of the window Fetch API. In this lesson, we'll begin to make the connection between our React client and Node server and see if we can query the listings query from our GraphQL API. LESSON 14:16 minutes Abstracting the type of data from server fetch Although the custom server fetch() function we've established in the last lesson works, the data being returned isn't appropriately typed. In this lesson, we'll take advantage of TypeScript generics to ensure we get queried data from our server fetch() function with the appropriate type. LESSON 4:53 minutes Deleting a listing In this lesson, we'll use our custom server fetch() function to invoke the deleteListing mutation we have in our GraphQL API, to delete a listing in our listings collection. LESSON 8:42 minutes Module 6 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work done in Module 6.0. LESSON 2:04 minutes Module 7 Module 7 Introduction Introduction to Module 7.0. INTRODUCTION 1:22 minutes React Hooks In this lesson, we discuss the motivation behind React Hooks and see a few examples of how React Hooks can help share logic between our React components. LESSON 7:59 minutes The useState Hook Though we've been able to create a custom fetch() function to help us make the GraphQL requests to query listings or delete a certain listing, we've only seen the results of our requests in our browser console. In this lesson, we'll introduce and use React's useState Hook to track listings state value in our function component with which we'll be able to use and display in our UI. LESSON 7:49 minutes The useEffect Hook We've managed to use the useState Hook to track and display listings data to our UI. In this lesson, we'll introduce the useEffect Hook and see how we can create an effect callback to query listings data the moment our component mounts. LESSON 11:45 minutes Custom useQuery Hook With React's useState and useEffect Hooks, we've been able to query and display listings information the moment our Listings component is mounted. In this lesson, we'll create our very own custom useQuery Hook that will consolidate the pattern of creating a state property, using the useEffect Hook, and running the server fetch() function to make a query and state update when a component mounts. LESSON 8:51 minutes Custom useQuery and refetch In this lesson, we'll introduce the capability for a component to manually refetch a query from the useQuery Hook. LESSON 6:57 minutes Custom useQuery and loading/error states In this lesson, we'll address how we can handle the loading and error state of our GraphQL queries with our custom useQuery Hook. LESSON 11:53 minutes Custom useMutation Hook In this lesson, we'll create a custom useMutation Hook which will abstract the server fetch functionality needed to conduct a mutation from a component. LESSON 16:21 minutes The useReducer Hook In this lesson, we'll configure the useQuery and useMutation Hooks we've created to use another state management Hook to handle state. We'll use React's useReducer Hook. LESSON 13:25 minutes Module 7 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work done in Module 7.0. LESSON 5:07 minutes Module 8 Module 8 Introduction Introduction to Module 8.0. INTRODUCTION 0:54 minutes Creating our Apollo Client To use the React Apollo client library, we'll install and set up the Apollo client of our application with which we'll be doing in this lesson. LESSON 4:21 minutes React Apollo Hooks With the Apollo client available everywhere in our app, we'll replace the use of the custom useQuery and useMutation Hooks with the variations provided to us from the React Apollo library. LESSON 4:08 minutes Autogenerated types with Apollo CLI In this lesson, we'll use Apollo tooling's command line interface to autogenerate static types for the GraphQL requests in our client application. LESSON 10:24 minutes Module 8 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work done in Module 8.0. LESSON 2:38 minutes Module 9 Module 9 Introduction Introduction to Module 9.0. INTRODUCTION 0:26 minutes UI Frameworks and Ant Design In this lesson, we discuss some of the benefits of using a React UI framework as well as the Ant Design UI library. LESSON 4:34 minutes Styling with Ant Design Throughout Part I of the course, we haven't made any changes to the presentation (i.e. CSS) of our client code. In this lesson, we'll introduce and use the Ant Design React UI framework to improve the appearance of our client application. LESSON 20:30 minutes Module 10 Part One Conclusion Conclusion of Part I of the course. INTRODUCTION 0:32 minutes Module 11 PRO Part Two Welcome Welcome to Part II of the course. INTRODUCTION 1:55 minutes The TinyHouse App In this lesson, we'll highlight all the features we intend to have for our home sharing application, TinyHouse. INTRODUCTION 15:10 minutes Walkthrough of TinyHouse Code We'll spend a few minutes walking through the complete TinyHouse code for Part II of the course to gather context on some of the patterns we'll follow. INTRODUCTION 12:17 minutes Code Patterns & Behavior In this lesson, we'll continue from the previous lesson and spend more time discussing common patterns we'll employ as we build both the server and client projects of the TinyHouse application. INTRODUCTION 10:54 minutes How To Go Through The Course The structure of the course, the material available, and how best to go through the course in Part II. INTRODUCTION 16:39 minutes Module 12 PRO Set-up For Part II We begin working on building the TinyHouse application by first modifying the code from the end of Part I of the course to prepare us as we move forward. LESSON 2:51 minutes Module 13 PRO Module 2 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 2.0. INTRODUCTION 0:33 minutes Routing in TinyHouse Routing is the process of navigating through a web application with the help of URLs. When a link in a webpage is clicked, the URL changes which then navigates a user to a new page. In this lesson, we'll learn about routing and explore the different routes we'll need for our TinyHouse application. LESSON 6:14 minutes React Router React Router is a popular community-built library that provides a set of navigational components to help create routing within React applications. In this lesson, we'll use React Router to declare the main routes and the components that should be shown in these routes for our TinyHouse client application. LESSON 7:26 minutes Module 14 PRO Module 3 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 3.0. INTRODUCTION 1:05 minutes Database Collection Structure In this lesson, we'll brainstorm the structure of our database and determine how many collections the database for our TinyHouse application will need. LESSON 5:16 minutes Database Document Structure We continue from the previous lesson by declaring the shape of the data we expect to store in each of the collections of our database. LESSON 15:17 minutes Seed & Clear Data from MongoDB Having our database contain some mock data will allow our GraphQL queries and mutations to interact with data from the database. In this lesson, we'll create a scripts to help seed and clear the database of mock data, in development. LESSON 8:27 minutes Module 15 PRO Module 4 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 4.0. INTRODUCTION 0:52 minutes OAuth 2.0 OAuth is an industry-standard authorization protocol that enables applications to obtain limited access to user accounts without giving away any passwords. In this lesson, we'll dive a little deeper explaining what OAuth is and how we intend to use it in our application to help users sign-in with their Google account. LESSON 4:36 minutes Google Sign-In (OAuth) In this lesson, we'll create the necessary OAuth credentials from the Google API Console that we'll need to use to set-up Google OAuth in our application. LESSON 4:49 minutes Google Sign-In GraphQL Fields We'll begin creating the GraphQL fields that we'll need to help us establish Google OAuth in our application. LESSON 4:50 minutes Using Google Sign-In & People API Before we update our GraphQL OAuth resolvers, we'll use Google's official Node.js library to help access and interact with Google APIs. LESSON 8:30 minutes Building the Authentication Resolvers We'll continue to update the GraphQL resolver functions we've prepared to allow users to log-in & log-out of our application. LESSON 18:55 minutes Building the UI for Login We'll now switch over to work in our React application and have it communicate with the server to allow a user to sign-in via Google OAuth. LESSON 11:35 minutes Executing Login Having the UI of the Login page built in our client, we'll investigate how we can make the query for Google Sign In's authentication URL when a user attempts to sign in. LESSON 22:35 minutes Building the AppHeader & Logout A user is now able to successfully sign-in from the Login page. In this lesson, we'll spend some time creating the AppHeader component that will help allow users to navigate around our app. LESSON 18:05 minutes Module 4 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work we've done in Module 4.0. LESSON 6:02 minutes Module 16 PRO Module 5 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 5.0. INTRODUCTION 0:55 minutes Cookies & Login Sessions A browser cookie is data that a server can send to a user's web browser where the browser can often send back to the server. With this lesson, we begin discussing how persistent login sessions can be made with cookies by going through a simple exercise with the Google search web application. LESSON 2:39 minutes localStorage vs. sessionstorage vs. cookies Before we dive into implementing persistent login sessions in our app, we'll touch on the different storage mechanisms of the web browser. In this lesson, we explore the differences between localStorage, sessionstorage, and cookies. LESSON 5:32 minutes Adding the Viewer Cookie on the Server We'll utilize the `cookie-parser` package in our Node server to help parse a "viewer" cookie from HTTP requests sent from the client. LESSON 11:05 minutes Adding the Viewer Cookie on the Client Our server is now able to help set and clear the "viewer" cookie in our client when we sign-in with Google. In this lesson, we'll modify our client such that it will use the "viewer" cookie to automatically log a viewer in when the app first renders and the cookie is available. LESSON 8:19 minutes X-CSRF Token We'll take an additional step in this lesson to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks. We'll see how we can have the client pass a CSRF token with every request and where the server can use the token to verify the identity of the viewer making the request. LESSON 8:50 minutes Module 5 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work we've done in Module 5.0. LESSON 4:09 minutes Module 17 PRO Module 6 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 6.0. INTRODUCTION 0:53 minutes User GraphQL Fields In this module, we begin building the server and client implementation that will help allow us to retrieve and display information for users in our application. We'll begin by brainstorming the GraphQL fields we'll need to query user data. LESSON 2:23 minutes Modifying the User, Listing, and Booking GraphQL TypeDefs In this lesson, we'll modify the User, Listing, and Booking GraphQL type definitions that are relevant to the user information we want to query from the database. LESSON 10:47 minutes Building the User Resolvers With the GraphQL type definitions established for the root-level user query, in this lesson we'll modify the resolver function we have to help query for a certain user. LESSON 21:38 minutes The UserProfile React Component With our `user` query now prepared and available in our GraphQL API, we'll begin building the page shown in the `/user/:id` route of our client app. LESSON 23:01 minutes The UserListings & UserBookings React Components In this lesson, we'll continue to build the user page in our client application by looking to query and present a paginated list of listings and bookings for a certain user. LESSON 42:50 minutes Module 6 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work we've done in Module 6.0. LESSON 7:20 minutes Module 18 PRO Module 7 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 7.0. INTRODUCTION 0:33 minutes Listing GraphQL Fields In this module, we begin building the server and client implementation that will help allow us to retrieve and display information for listings in our application. We'll begin by brainstorming the GraphQL fields we'll need to query listing data. LESSON 2:20 minutes Building the Listing Resolvers With the root-level `listing` field prepared in our GraphQL API, we'll construct the resolver function for this field to attempt to query for the appropriate listing from the "listings" collection in our database. LESSON 16:06 minutes Querying for listing data With our `listing` query now prepared and available in our GraphQL API, we'll begin building the page shown in the `/listing/:id` route of our client app. LESSON 11:20 minutes ListingDetails & ListingBookings In this lesson, we'll continue to build the listing page in our client application by looking to prepare the `` and `` components. LESSON 25:38 minutes The ListingCreateBooking React Component In this lesson, we'll finish up our client update for the listing page by creating the component where a user will eventually use to book for a listing. LESSON 34:30 minutes Module 7 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work we've done in Module 7.0. LESSON 4:47 minutes Module 19 PRO Module 8 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 8.0. INTRODUCTION 0:45 minutes Listings GraphQL Fields In the homepage of our application, we hope to display a small list of the most premium listings available. In this module, we begin building the server and client implementation that will help allow us to retrieve and display listings information for the homepage of our application. We'll begin by brainstorming the GraphQL fields we'll need to query a list of listings from our API. LESSON 2:59 minutes Building the Listings Resolvers With the root-level `listings` field prepared in our GraphQL API, we'll construct the resolver function for this field to attempt to query for a list of listings from the "listings" collection in our database. LESSON 13:52 minutes Building the UI of the Homepage The homepage of TinyHouse is to be to mostly presentational and aims to serve the purpose of telling the user what our app does as well as provide useful links to direct them elsewhere. In this lesson, we focus on building the presentational UI of the homepage. LESSON 23:09 minutes Displaying the highest-priced listings in the Homepage Our homepage is mostly prepared except for displaying the most premium (i.e. highest price) listings. In this lesson, we'll look to make the query we'll need to retrieve the highest priced listings from our server and display that information on our homepage. LESSON 19:58 minutes Module 8 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work we've done in Module 8.0. LESSON 3:13 minutes Module 20 PRO Module 9 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 9.0. INTRODUCTION 1:04 minutes Google's Geocoding API We've managed to create the capability for users to query for a list of listings that can be sorted based on listing price. In this module, we'll focus on the functionality that will allow our users to search for listings based on location. We'll begin the investigation for this by discussing the API we intend to use to help us - Google's Geocoding API. LESSON 8:15 minutes Location-based searching for listings In this lesson, we'll address the gameplan we have in mind in how we want to conduct location-based searching in our app. LESSON 7:48 minutes Updating the listings resolver In this lesson, we'll begin to write the code in our server project to help allow a user to search for listings in a certain location. To achieve this, we'll first modify the existing `listings` GraphQL query field to accept an optional `location` argument that when provided will return the listings that pertain only to that location. LESSON 19:49 minutes Building the Listings page With our `listings` field in our GraphQL API prepared to accept a `location` argument, we'll begin to work on the client app to build the `/listings/:location?` page for where certain listings can be shown for specific locations. LESSON 17:33 minutes Pagination & Filtering in the Listings page At this point, we have a page displayed in the `/listings/location?` route that surfaces up to eight different listing cards for listings that exist in certain locations. In this lesson, we'll create the capability for a user to filter and paginate the information presented to them in the listings page. LESSON 30:33 minutes Searching for listings from the App Header In this lesson, we'll work on something slightly related to the `/listings/:location?` page and is a big factor of our app. We'll be working on the search input that we'll place in the app header that will allow users to search for listings in a location while within any part of our app. LESSON 26:56 minutes Index location-based data At this moment in time, we've introduced the capability to have our client application query for listing documents for different locations. In this lesson, we'll investigate and discuss indexes within MongoDB and see how can index location-based data from the "listings" collection in our database. LESSON 9:24 minutes Module 9 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work we've done in Module 9.0. LESSON 3:28 minutes Module 21 PRO Module 10 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 10.0. INTRODUCTION 0:56 minutes Stripe & Stripe Connect It's finally time we talk about payments! The business model of TinyHouse is an online marketplace where users can host and book listings. In this lesson, we'll learn about how we intend to have TinyHouse be a marketplace by using the third-party payment platform - Stripe. LESSON 7:58 minutes Stripe Connect OAuth When a user in our application plans to host a listing, we'll need to ensure they've connected to their own Stripe account through our Stripe platform account. This is to leverage Stripe Connect's capability to pay the users who have listings in our app when a booking is made. In this lesson, we'll set up the credentials we'll need from Stripe and save them as environment variables for both our server and client projects. LESSON 11:33 minutes Stripe Connect GraphQL Fields We'll begin creating the GraphQL fields that we'll need to help us establish Stripe Connect OAuth in our application. LESSON 9:11 minutes Building the Stripe Connect Resolvers We'll continue to update the GraphQL resolver functions we've prepared to allow users to connect & disconnect from Stripe in our application. LESSON 13:51 minutes Connecting with Stripe on the Client We'll switch over to work in our React application and have it communicate with the server to allow a user to connect with their Stripe account on our platform. LESSON 27:59 minutes Disconnecting from Stripe on the Client We've managed to create the functionality to have a logged-in user in our app connect with Stripe. In this lesson, we'll look to visually indicate that the user is in the connected state and have an action responsible for allowing the user to disconnect from Stripe. LESSON 13:30 minutes Module 10 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work we've done in Module 10.0. LESSON 4:17 minutes Module 22 PRO Module 11 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 11.0. INTRODUCTION 0:36 minutes HostListing GraphQL Fields For users in our application to add listings (i.e. host listings) in the TinyHouse application, we'll need to create the functionality where users can upload and insert new listing data into our database. In this lesson, we'll establish the GraphQL fields in our API that will help achieve this. LESSON 2:43 minutes Building the HostListing Resolver We'll continue from what we've done in the previous lesson by having the `hostListing` resolver function we've created receive an input with new listing information which will then be added to the `"listings"` collection in our database. LESSON 15:27 minutes Building the UI of the Host page We'll now begin to work on the form on the client application where a user can create (i.e. host) a new listing. The form we'll build will essentially be the UI of the `/host` route of our application. LESSON 38:21 minutes Executing the HostListing Mutation The majority of the work we've needed to do for the form shown in the `/host` page was completed in the last lesson. In this lesson, we collect the values a user is to enter in the form and when the user decides to submit the form, we'll trigger the `hostListing` mutation we have in our API and pass the relevant input along. LESSON 28:20 minutes Module 11 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work we've done in Module 11.0. LESSON 5:05 minutes Module 23 PRO Module 12 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 12.0. INTRODUCTION 0:41 minutes Cloudinary & Image Storage In this lesson and module, we'll investigate to see if there's a better way of storing the newly created images for listings in our database. We'll discuss and investigate cloud-based image and video management services and see how we can use Cloudinary for our application. LESSON 7:13 minutes Image uploads with Cloudinary In this lesson, we'll pick up from what we've done in the previous lesson by modifying our server code to utilize Cloudinary to host listing images for our TinyHouse application. LESSON 8:46 minutes Module 24 PRO Module 13 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 13.0. INTRODUCTION 1:04 minutes CreateBooking GraphQL Fields For users to book a listing in our app, we'll need functionality to handle this as well as the capability to process transactions between the tenant and host. In this lesson, we'll establish the GraphQL fields in our API that will help achieve this. LESSON 2:51 minutes Building the CreateBooking Resolver Before we begin to implement the `createBooking` mutation resolver, we'll first create the utility function that will facilitate a Stripe charge with the help of Stripe's API. LESSON 25:57 minutes Resolving the BookingsIndex of a Listing In this lesson, we'll continue from the previous lesson and look to see how we can update the bookingsIndex of a listing document with the dates that have recently been booked by a tenant. LESSON 23:02 minutes Disabling booked dates on the client In this lesson, we'll begin to work on the client-side to facilitate the booking of a listing. We'll begin by first disabling any dates in the listing page datepickers that have been previously booked by other users. LESSON 25:20 minutes Creating the Booking Confirmation Modal In this lesson, we'll look to prepare the confirmation modal that gets displayed to the user when the users requests to make a booking. LESSON 21:12 minutes Displaying the Payment Form with React Stripe Elements We'll continue from what we've done in the previous lesson by looking to capture a user's credit or debit card information when a booking is to be made, with the help of the React Stripe Elements library. LESSON 17:21 minutes Executing the CreateBooking Mutation In this lesson, we'll wrap-up what we've done in the last few lessons by now collecting all relevant information and triggering the `createBooking` mutation when a user is ready to confirm their booking. LESSON 28:10 minutes Module 13 Summary This lesson is a summary of the work we've done in Module 13.0. LESSON 9:01 minutes Module 25 PRO Module 14 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 14.0. INTRODUCTION 0:28 minutes Cloud Computing We've finished building the application that we've wanted so we'll now focus on deployment. There's no use in having a great app if we can't deploy it for others to use! Before we dive into what form of deployment we're going to conduct, we'll talk about cloud computing and its importance when it comes to the world of deployment. LESSON 6:40 minutes Deploying with Heroku Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that's been around since June 2007 and supports the deployment of several programming languages. In this lesson, we'll use Heroku to help deploy our TinyHouse application on to the cloud! LESSON 45:13 minutes Walkthrough of Deployed App For the last core lesson of the course, we'll take a walkthrough of our deployed app to ensure everything works as intended. By the end of this lesson, we'll also spend a little time quickly summarizing what we've done to have our application be deployed. LESSON 10:25 minutes Module 26 PRO Module 15 Introduction This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 15.0. INTRODUCTION 0:51 minutes The NotFound Page In this lesson, we build the UI for the NotFound page shown when a user ever navigates to a route not defined in our app. LESSON 5:32 minutes Apollo Client & FetchPolicy We discuss Apollo Client's intelligent caching system and ways one can manipulate the fetch policy of query requests. LESSON 16:32 minutes useLayoutEffect & Window Scroll We'll see how React's useLayoutEffect Hook can help have our application window be scrolled to the top when we navigate from page to page. LESSON 10:26 minutes React Router Hooks We'll discuss the small changes that can be made to use some of the new Hooks that React Router provides. LESSON 10:25 minutes Disconnecting from Stripe & Revoking Access We'll discuss a small change that can be made to fully disconnect a user from our Stripe Connect account when they've disconnected from Stripe in our app. LESSON 10:32 minutes Additional Listing DatePicker Changes We'll discuss a few small changes that can be made to optimize the date pickers for when a user is to book a certain listing. LESSON 10:06 minutes Module 27 PRO Part Two Conclusion Conclusion of Part II of the course. INTRODUCTION 0:40 minutes Module 28 PRO Module 17 Introduction This is an introduction to the bonus work we'll be doing in Module 17.0. INTRODUCTION 0:48 minutes SQL vs. NoSQL In this lesson, we compare SQL and NoSQL databases. LESSON 5:06 minutes PostgreSQL This lesson is an introduction to the popular and widely used open-source SQL database, PostgreSQL. LESSON 6:04 minutes TypeORM Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a technique that lets one access and modify data from a database using an object-oriented paradigm. In this lesson, we'll discuss ORM and be introduced to a popular ORM used for jаvascript and TypeScript, TypeORM. LESSON 16:03 minutes TinyHouse - PostgreSQL & TypeORM In this lesson, we'll convert the server of our TinyHouse project to use PostgreSQL & TypeORM. LESSON 33:09 minutes \ 

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